Flexible Education Wednesdays
Friday, December 4, 2020 11:15 AM

Dear families of Franklin Middle School,


We are excited to share a change in the weekly schedule with you.  Starting next week, every Wednesday will be a flexible education day.  This arrangement will provide time, during school hours, for students to receive additional support from teachers if needed.  If no additional support is required, this schedule gives students additional time to complete assignments.  The goal here is to prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed, as well as, to provide more time for individual and small group support.​


FLEX Wednesday will be scheduled as follows:​

1.  Students attend their advisory class as usual, starting at 9:30 a.m.; attendance on Wednesdays is mandatory and will be recorded during advisory only (on Wednesdays).  An attendance assignment must be completed by 10 a.m.​

2.  After Advisory all teachers will be available from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (1st period) for additional support, allow teachers to contact parents and assist students in work completion.​

3.  Wednesday’s Google Meet Link for each class will be found in that Google Classroom

4.  While teachers will be engaging in planning, grading and professional development in the afternoon, we strongly suggest that you require your scholar to maintain his/her daily schedule as closely as possible while completing work.​

5.  Please be assured that FLEX Wednesday is not the only time a student can receive help, but it is designed to provide a block of time, during the school day, specifically for additional support.​

6.  Should you have questions, concerns, or need additional information please do not hesitate to reach out to your scholars’ teacher(s).




Principal Karon Cunningham