Official Home of Rocket Athletics


We look forward to having you on the team! Visit us in our offices.

Specific forms are necessary for participation and they're available online.

Need financial assistance to cover fees?

Ask us about scholarships.

On behalf of our coaching staff and Franklin Middle School, we can't wait to guide you in your athletic aspirations, and cheer you on.

Go Rockets!

Sherome Milon - Athletic Director


Fall Sports
Middle School Registration | TBD | TBD
High School Registration | Monday, Aug. 3 | 6-8 p.m.

 Adapted Soccer* | Cross Country - Boys^
Cross Country - Girls^ | Football^ | Swimming - Girls^
Soccer - Coed+ 
Tennis - Girls^ | Volleyball^

Winter Sports
Middle School Registration | TBD | TBD
High School Registration | Wednesday, Nov. 4 | 6-8 p.m.

Basketball - Boys+ | Basketball - Girls+
Gymnastics - Girls^ Hockey - Boys* | Hockey - Girls*
Ski - Alpine*
 | Ski - Nordic^ | Swimming - Boys^ | Wrestling^

Spring Sports
Middle School Registration | TBD | TBD
High School Registration | Tues, Mar. 2 | 6-8 p.m.

Adapted Bowling* | Adapted Softball* | Badminton^ | Baseball^
Golf - Boys^
 | Golf - Girls^ | Lacrosse - Boys* | Lacrosse - Girls*
Softball - Girls^ Tennis - Boys^ | Track & Field+

+Indicates an offering at the middle school level only
^Indicates an offering at the high school level
*Indicates a district-wide offering at the high school


Please visit the following links for more athletic information:

District Athletic Website

Online Registration

Other MPS Middle School Sites



NCAA Information

Parent-Student Feedback